- speech
- nречь; выступление
to carry smb's speech live on nationwide radio and television — вести прямую передачу чьей-л. речи по центральному радио и телевидению
to deliver a speech — произносить речь
to exchange speeches — обмениваться речами
to give a speech — выступать с речью; произносить речь
to hear an emotional speech by smb — выслушивать чью-л. эмоциональную речь
to interrupt smb's speech — прерывать чью-л. речь
to lessen the impact of a speech — уменьшать воздействие чьей-л. речи
to make a speech — произносить речь
to make a wide-ranging speech — касаться в своей речи целого ряда вопросов
to pick a theme for one's speech — выбирать тему для своей речи
to rehearse one's speech — репетировать свою речь
to respond negatively to a speech — отрицательно реагировать на какую-л. речь
to study smb's speech in detail — внимательно изучать чью-л. речь
to televise a speech live — вести прямую телепередачу речи
- accusatory speechto unite in praise of smb's speech — совместно хвалить чье-л. выступление
- arresting speech
- austerity speech
- bitter speech
- blunt speech
- brilliant speech
- campaign speech
- capital speech
- cautiously worded speech
- closing speech
- concession speech
- conciliatory speech
- concluding speech
- curtailment of free speech
- delivery of a speech
- disappointing speech
- emotional speech
- epoch-making speech
- faculty of speech
- fiery speech
- fighting speech
- flaming speech
- foreign policy speech
- free speech - hard-hitting speech
- hard-line speech
- historic speech
- hot speech
- in connection with the previous speech
- inaugural speech
- inauguration speech
- inflammatory speech
- introductory speech
- keynote speech
- lack-luster speech - maiden speech
- major policy speech
- much quoted speech
- one minute speech
- opening speech
- peaceful speech
- policy-making speech
- ponderous speech
- powerful speech
- rebellious speeches
- repression of free speech
- resignation speech
- sapid speech
- seditious speech
- self-critical speech
- speech couched in general terms
- speech for the defense
- speech from the throne
- speech in reply
- speech of welcome
- speech on European matters
- speech received a mixed reception
- speech was well received
- state-of-the-nation speech
- stirring speech
- substantial speech
- televised speech
- tenor of smb's speech
- tough speech
- UN speech
- uncompromising speech
- unscheduled speech
- valedictory speech
- victory speech
- violent speech
- welcoming speech
- whistle stop speech
- wide-ranging speech
Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.